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Loudverse: Lincoln and Luna




En una AU en particular, Los roles cambian entre los hijos loud. Lincoln es el hijo rebelde con tendencias musicales, pero con un gran sentido de protección hacia sus hermanas. En cuanto a Luna es la chica con un plan y con un gran amor hacia su familia, ella y su mejor amiga Sam se ven envueltos en locas aventuras, especialmente si involucran a la amplia familia de la castaña.

Los papeles son diferentes en esta realidad.

Lincoln ahora es el hijo mayor y por lo tanto es el encargado de que su casa no termine en una pila de escombros y cenizas por culpa del gran entusiasmo de sus hermanas. Trabaja con su padre en un restaurante de fusión. Tiene su propio auto y recientemente heredó la vieja motocicleta de su abuelo, aunque esta última no funciona, pero no es nada que su hermana mecánica y amante del barro no pueda arreglar. Además últimamente está dejando la música de lado y está comenzando a despertar un gran interés en la cocina, este último pone muy feliz al Sr. Loud, ya que su hijo está siguiendo sus pasos y a fortalecido su conexión entre padre e hijo.

Luna por su parte siempre, ha estado muy unido a su hermano mayor. El siempre la cuido y le dio todo su cariño, al igual que al resto de sus hermanas. Después del incidente de la mala suerte se hicieron más unidos que nunca, ella fue injustamente acusada por su hermana deportista, su hermano estaba de campamento con sus amigos y novia al comienzo de la superstición, pero al regresar a su casa y al enterarse de este incidente, estuvo a punto de recurrir a la violencia por lo indignante de los hechos que llevaron a una de sus hermanas, a casi ser dejada afuera de su propio hogar por una tonteria. Luego de una acalorada charla con su familia, logró demostrar la inocencia de su hermana y que todos se dieran cuenta de su error, además de que se disculparan con la "pequeña Luna".

Anteriormente su hermano portaba el título del chico del plan pero al paso del tiempo lo legó a su hermana menor, a ella le gusta hacer planes elaborados y con nombres muy largos, ya sea para conseguir el mejor asiento de la destartalada van familiar o simplemente tener todos sus hermanos listos para ir a sus respectivas "escuelas".

Ambos hermanos conservan los rasgos y comportamientos de sus homólogos originales como a Lincoln y su amor por los cómics (sus padres lo convencieron de que dejara de andar medio desnudo al momento de leerlos, lo que lo incomoda, pero nada que no pueda soportar) y Luna poco a poco está descubriendo su pasión por la música. 


In a particular AU, roles change between loud children. Lincoln is the rebellious son with musical tendencies, but with a great sense of protection towards his sisters. As Luna is the girl with a plan and a great love for her family, she and her best friend Sam are involved in crazy adventures, especially if they involve the large chestnut family.

The roles are different in this reality.

Lincoln is now the eldest son and therefore is responsible for his house not ending in a pile of debris and ashes because of the great enthusiasm of his sisters. He works with his father in a fusion restaurant. He has his own car and recently inherited his grandfather's old motorcycle, although the latter does not work, but it is nothing that his mechanical and mud-loving sister can not fix. In addition, these days he is leaving the music aside and is beginning to arouse great interest in the kitchen, the latter makes Mr. Loud very happy, as his son is following in his footsteps and strengthening his connection between father and son.

Luna, for her part, has always been very close to her older brother. He always took care of her and gave her all her affection, as did the rest of her sisters. After the incident of bad luck they became more united than ever, she was unjustly accused by her athletic sister, her brother was camping with his friends and girlfriend at the beginning of superstition, but upon returning home and upon learning of this incident, he was about to resort to violence because of the outrageous facts that led to one of his sisters, to almost being left out of his own home for a foolishness. After a heated chat with his family, he managed to prove his sister's innocence and that everyone realized their mistake, in addition to apologizing to the "little Luna."

Earlier his brother was the title of the boy of the plan but over time he bequeathed to his younger sister, she likes to make elaborate plans and with very long names, either to get the best seat of the rickety family van or just have all his brothers ready to go to their respective "schools".

Both brothers retain the traits and behaviors of their original counterparts like a Lincoln and his love of comics (his parents convinced him to stop walking half naked at the time of reading them, which bothers him but nothing he can not stand) and Luna is slowly discovering his passion for music.
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880x840px 397.37 KB
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Maybe, a coming a Loudverse: Lincoln is as 17 years old and Lori is as 11 years old.